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All About Seasonal Flu Illness & Flu Vaccine

1.What is Flu illness?

Influenza or ‘FLU’ is an infection of the upper airway i.e. The nose, nasal cavity and the pharynx, also called the throat.

2. What are the symptoms of Flu illness?

Common symptoms are Fever, Headache, Running nose, Sore throat, Cough, and muscle pains. Other symptoms that can also present are vomiting or the sensation of vomiting and rarely loose stools

3. How is it spread?

It is easily spread through person to person via coughing, sneezing or face to face contact. It can also spread by sleeping in the same bed with an infected person. Other common modes of spreading are when you touch the objects that contain tiny droplets from the infected person’s cough or sneeze and then touch your eyes, mouth, or nose.

4. For how long can the infected person spread flu?

An adult person can spread from 1st day after the onset of symptoms until the 5th day. Children may be able to spread for a bit longer period.

5. Who are more prone to this flu illness?

The general rule is anyone who has low immunity or general body weakness. Common groups include the following

  • Children under 5 years of age
  • Elderly people (more than 65 years of age)
  • Pregnant women
  • Individuals with chronic medical conditions involving heart, lungs, kidney, neurological disorders, asthma, diabetes
  • Individuals with immunocompromised state like obesity, underweight, cancer, HIV and on medications like steroids, cancer therapy, immunomodulators.

6. How is Influenza different from COVID 19 and just any other common cold and cough?

Common cold is also an upper respiratory illness which means it too affects your nose and throat. So how to tell them apart? Common cold is usually milder and lasts only a few days. It is almost always limited to the nose and throat, so you may be sneezing a lot with running nose which subside in a couple of days.

It is also wiser to check your temperature regularly. Fever is less common in common cold, even if it is present the temperature is less than 1010F. But if you have high fever with body pains and are feeling miserable due to chest pain and weakness then it is most likely the Flu.

But COVID-19 and the flu cause similar symptoms. The diseases can also cause no symptoms or mild or severe symptoms. Because of the similarities, it can be hard to diagnose which condition you have based on symptoms alone. Testing may be done to see if you have COVID-19 or the flu. You can also have both diseases at the same time.

Given below are some ways to tell them apart from one another. (Source: WHO)

7. How do I prevent flu and the others?

The quickest and easiest way of course is by sanitizing or washing hands regularly. Clean the objects and surfaces that you think are touched frequently by people. If you are infected or have any of the symptoms, along with isolation,  you can  prevent it from spreading by using a mask or hand kerchief while coughing or talking to others in close proximity. The most effective way, however, is by taking the influenza vaccine.

8. Why to take flu vaccine yearly?

As this influenza virus mutates rapidly and changes it’s strain every year. Each year flu vaccines are newly prepared based on the strain for that particular season.

9. Who are eligible to take flu vaccine?

In general, anyone who is more than 6 months old can take flu vaccine. Other causes for avoiding a flu shot are if you had previous life-threatening reaction to a previous flu vaccine or if you have developed a condition called Gullian-Barre syndrome (GBS) within 8 weeks after a flu shot. Also, if you are a cancer patient or are taking immune suppressant drugs for any other reason, it would be wiser to contact your doctor before taking a flu vaccine.

10. When should I take flu vaccine?

Flu shot is usually given every year before the monsoon begins between April to June. Even if it is delayed it gives the same protection.

11. I know people who got influenza even after taking the vaccine. What use is it then if it does not prevent?

The main function of flu vaccine is to prevent serious forms of flu which can result in hospitalization and ICU admissions and death. Flu vaccines are not given just to prevent any form of cough and cold.

12. Can pregnant women take flu vaccine?

The short answer is Yes. The vaccine is an inactivated type which contains killed virus that cannot cause infection. So, all pregnant and breastfeeding women can take flu vaccine. The added benefit is it gives protection to the newborn baby until her baby is eligible for flu shot. But it is always advised to consult your concerned physician before getting any vaccine if you are pregnant.

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